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Traveling around with our two classic cars we received a lot more attention than we expected. At every stop we would have someone come up to us and want to speak with us. Some people just wanted to know what four college guys were doing piled into an old Beetle, some wanted to tell us about their old cars or how they learned to drive on a car like ours, others however wanted talk (a lot) to us and wanted me to make sure I got their picture. 


Holding four college guys this machine did us right. Jon's great grandfather bought the bug new on October, 27 1966 for $1585. After a long time of use the old bug found itself sitting in a field for years. Jon's grandfather referbished it 15 years ago, changing the color from baby blue to yellow. After he passed away a few years ago, his grandmother recently passed it down to him but it had not been running for quite some time. He fixed it up only a couple weeks before Spring Break and had it fixed up enough to make it on the trip, hoping for the best but expecting the worst. Jon loved every minute driving it and felt connected to both his grandfather and great-grandfather. He drove it like a mad man and pushed it to it's limits constantly. We nicknamed it Quasibrodo due to it's hunchback headlights. We had to stop to bleed the breaks often and use hand signals instead of blinkers but it held up surprisingly well. Sticky tack and Larry Johnson were it's best friends. 



  • 1300 cc (around 45 hp) top speed of around 55 on level ground

  • can go off road (proven)

  • wheel baring oil seal busted and we rigged it up with some grease and said a prayer

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